Dungeons & Dragons, the mother of all role playing games, uses alignment charts to classify characters along the lines of “lawful” to “chaotic” and “good” to “evil”. Internet-memes classify everything into such charts, from screws to penguins.

Looking at my desktop, a colleague mentioned even screen-setups to be classified this way. My office setup isn’t shown in the chart, but it’s nearest to “chaotic good”.

My home-setup on the other hand is somewhere between “chaotic neutral” and “chaotic evil”. On the left side, I have my notebook’s full HD screen, a big horizontal 4k-Monitor in the center, next to it another full HD in vertical alignment. Works for me.

I see “chaotic evil” as a challenge. Some months ago I read a gloss about the ideal screen setup for programmers. Using “xrandr –listmonitors” I found the internal name of my 4k-screen to be “DP-2-3”. The calculator in the article gave me the following command to rotate the screen’s content by 25°, with a vertical shift of 800 pixels:

To be honest: I don’t see this being my preferred configuation in the future. But it’s nice to see that its so easy to setup:

Screen-setup, chaotic (very) evil